< WeeklyHoroscope.com: Daily Horoscope for

Your Art-deco Tarot Reading...

Posted on: Saturday 11th of January, 2025


The Future:
The Future card shows where you are heading if you maintain your current path... So decide for yourself by the card indicated, if this is a desireable direction for you to travel towards... Go for it!... If not, you can change the outcome by rising above your current situation and obstacles...

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Once upon a time I had a real job working for the first Internet Company in Buffalo, New York... All the guys in the office would ask "Hey Daniel, What's in my Stars?... I'd repeat the same thing over and over again every day... So I made a web-page and called it "Hey Baby, What's your sign?"...

It became very popular... So I bought the WeeklyHoroscope.com name in 1997 and have been writing ever since for both the internet and the newspapers... But eventially I stopped writing for the newspapers because they limited me to only so many characters/spaces and I tend to ramble from time to time... hehe...

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